Why Us
Why Ponders?
- Ponders is an affiliate of Dembe Trading Enterprises Ltd- the Regional Leader in FMCG Distribution with Affiliates in:
- Nairobi, Kenya - Ponders Kenya Ltd
- Juba, South Sudan - Atlas Ltd
- Dar es Salaam, Tanzania - Brand Distributors Ltd
- Bujumbura, Burundi - Bridge Ltd
- Kigali, Rwanda - Avalon Rwanda Ltd
- Experienced, Reliable and Trusted Local Distributor with Nationwide Infrastructure.
- Focused, Extensive Tailored Route to Market, servicing both modern and traditional trades which exploit opportunities for growth in all channels.
- Brand Awareness with ingenious and creative methods to reach consumers through direct customer penetration strategies.
- Capacity and Capability to grow market share for a sustainable business and develop category to nurture a sustainable future for the Principle.
- Key Volume Drivers in every sector.
Our Initiatives to Drive Volume
- Outstanding Customer Service.
- Focused and dedicated Route to Market structure from “Dukka to Depot”.
- Infrastructure per Channel- Modern, Traditional, Retail, Wholesale, Key Accounts.
- Regional Depots in each East African country.
- Extensive Distribution Coverage.
- Merchandising.
- Promotional Activities (Storming).
- New Products Launch.
- Advanced Logistics
- Outstanding relationships with the Trade.
- Abilities to reach On and Off Trade.
- Logistics- National and Regional dedicated Distribution Centres.
- Warehousing
- Quality, Food Grade Ambient Warehousing- 3,000m2
- Primary Consolidation Centres
- Order Collection and Processing
- Semi- Automated and High Level Storage Capabilities
- Mechanical and Manual Handling Expertise
- Complex Picking and Stock Management Expertise
- Core Fleet Dedicated Solutions
- Dedicated and Regional Partner Mixed Solutions
- Export Management
- Inventory Management
- Added Value Services, such as Co-Packing
- Fully Secured Sites with 24/7 Security including CCTV and dedicated patrol staff
- Management Information
- Merchandising
- Activations
- Advertising
- Promotion & Nationwide Distribution
Some Facts to Consider
- Uganda has 49% of East Africa’s arable farming land
- In 2050, Africa’s population will double to 2.3 billion
- It’s cheaper for African’s to import from China than make locally
- 60% of Africa is under 25
- Africa holds 30% of the world’s remaining mineral resources
- Africa holds 60% of the world’s cobalt and 90% of the world’s platinum
- By 2017, 11 of the top fastest growing economies will be in Africa
- Africa has the highest urbanisation rate in the world
- In the last decade, real income per person has jumped 30%
- $23 billion has been transferred using mobile money- mainly on FMCG
- Average growth of East Africa in the past 5 years has been 13%